A strange spam

Published: 2018-10-05. Last Updated: 2018-10-05 22:18:45 UTC
by Jim Clausing (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

So, the other day, I got one of the strangest e-mails I think I've ever received. We've talked about the spams where the attacker uses a password found from a previous password breach, but this one was even stranger. In this case, the author promised to stop spamming me if I would send a payment to a specific cryptocurrency wallet. I'm not sure about the business model behind this. Needless to say, I didn't pay and I haven't yet looked to see if anyone has sent money to that wallet. What I did was add a new spamassassin rule to send e-mails like these straight to the bit bucket. Can any of of readers explain this one to me? I know that we as security professionals often (unfairly and inappropriately) joke about users being the weakest link in our security programs (probably worth a diary of its own at some point), but even my parents wouldn't fall for this one (or worst case, calling and asking me about it before they clicked). Have any of the rest of you seen this or any other really odd spam or extortion attempts? If you have specific e-mails you want to share with us use our contact form.

Jim Clausing, GIAC GSE #26
jclausing --at-- isc [dot] sans (dot) edu

Keywords: cryptocurrency spam
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ISC Stormcast For Friday, October 5th 2018 https://isc.sans.edu/podcastdetail.html?id=6198


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