YARA: XOR Strings

Published: 2018-10-06. Last Updated: 2018-10-07 17:57:58 UTC
by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
6 comment(s)

I did not notice this in August when YARA 3.8.0 was released, but a new string search feature was introduced: XOR searching.

Here is an example:

    rule xor_test {
            $a = "http://isc.sans.edu" xor

By using string keyword "xor" with a string, the YARA engine will search for all byte sequences that match any 1-byte key XOR-encoded versions of this string (except for "key" 0x00).

In this example, file test-xor.txt contains a URL encoded with XOR key 0x41 (A).

With option -s, the encoded string is displayed:

String modifier "xor" can be used together with string modifiers "ascii", "wide" and "nocase".

It can not be used with regular expressions, although no error or warning is displayed:

    rule xor_test_re {
            $a = /http:\/\/[a-z]+\.com/ xor

It does work if the regular expression is literal:

    rule xor_test_re {
            $a = /http:\/\/didierstevens\.com/ xor

But I don't see the use case for this.


Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP
blog.DidierStevens.com DidierStevensLabs.com

Keywords: XOR YARA
6 comment(s)


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