Date Author Title
2016-09-02Johannes UllrichApple Patches "Trident" Vulnerabilities in OS X / Safari
2014-08-13Johannes UllrichUpdates for Apple Safari
2014-04-02Kevin ShorttApple Security Update for Safari 6.1.3/7.0.3:
2013-12-17Adrien de BeaupreApple security updates Mac OS X and Safari
2013-09-13Rob VandenBrinkUpdate for Safari to version 5.1.10 is out -
2013-01-15Rob VandenBrinkWhen Disabling IE6 (or Java, or whatever) is not an Option...
2012-07-25Johannes UllrichApple Releases Safari 6
2012-05-10Kevin ShorttSafari 5.1.7 - an interesting feature
2012-03-12Johannes UllrichApple Released Safari 5.1.4
2011-10-13Johannes UllrichCritical OS X Vulnerability Patched
2010-06-08Mark HofmanSafari 5.0 is available for all platforms. Addresses some security issues, more here
2010-03-11Mark HofmanA new version of Safari is out. Looks like for Mac and Windows. Plenty of security fixes (mostly for Windows Safari users )
2009-11-11Rob VandenBrinkApple Safari 4.0.4 Released
2009-08-11Swa FrantzenSafari 4.0.3
2009-07-08Andre LudwigSafari 4.0.2 update published
2009-06-09Swa FrantzenSafari 4.0 released - contains security fixes
2009-03-19Mark HofmanBrowsers Tumble at CanSecWest
2008-06-12Bojan ZdrnjaSafari on Windows - not looking good
2008-04-18John BambenekEV SSL Certificates - Just once, why can't one of our poorly considered quick fixes work?
2008-04-17Chris CarboniSafari 3.1.1 Released