VIVO Lure Spreading Crimeware

Published: 2007-01-31. Last Updated: 2007-01-31 18:35:24 UTC
by Deborah Hale (Version: 3)
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Websense Security Labs reports that they have discovered another information stealing, malicious code attack that appears to be a coordinated effort of the Russian and Brazilian bad boys.  The program is spreading via email by email receivers clicking on a link included in an email.  The page attempts to infect the PC by downloading and running a program called stylecss.exe. (If your computer is properly patched the program will not run.)  Once infected the program is designed to steal banking information from banking websites. 

For more information see the write at:

The company name involved is actually VIVO and the diary has been changed to reflect that fact.  Thanks to one of our readers, Lou, for the great catch.

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