Smiling Bob or Lying Bob you decide.

Published: 2008-02-29. Last Updated: 2008-02-29 19:57:46 UTC
by donald smith (Version: 2)
1 comment(s)

The makers of Enzyte have been convicted of conspiracy and fraud.
“The company's scheme involved false advertising which included
made-up claims about size increases, fake customer satisfaction
ratings, and fictitious doctors who the ads falsely claimed
collaborated for 13 years to develop Enzyte, the company's
leading male enhancement product. The false ads also contained
representations about money-back guarantees that the company
as a matter of practice would not honor. As part of the scheme,
the conspirators placed many consumers who responded to
free-trial solicitations on an automatic shipment program
without the customer's authorization, knowledge, or consent.
Berkeley would then send the product to the consumer and bill
the consumer's credit card regularly. When customers
called to cancel, the conspirators employed various means to
delay or hinder any returns or cancellations from occurring.
The trial included testimony from 22 customers from across
the country, witnesses from the Better Business Bureau,
law enforcement agencies, and copies of internal documents
including emails outlining the scheme.“

What is enzyte? USA today ran an article that included a list of ingredients.
They include some quotes from real doctors that state
that the claims made make no sense. Their site is still up
they still answer the phone and offer to sell you their product.

Gary Warner also covered this in his cybercrime blog.

1 comment(s)


About time! Now if the rest of these companies can be taken down, spammers will have nothing to push. :D

I wondered where those commercials had gone to ... I haven't seen them for a while now.

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