Skipfish - Web Application Security Tool

Published: 2010-03-21. Last Updated: 2010-03-21 00:05:56 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
2 comment(s)

Michal Zalewski (lcamtuf), a Polish security researcher and author of many tools and books, is at it again.  On Friday, he released a fully automated, active web application security tool known as skipfish.  This tool allows developers and security professionals to have a solid reconnaissance tool which scans at high speed tools, easy to use, and has a number of different security checks with limited false positives.  In my particular environment, we are extremely budget poor (taking a 2nd budget cuts within under 6 months left in the fiscal is bad and I know others have it worse than we do).  So having the possibility to increase my tool set without spending a lot of money sits very well with our administration. From my initial testing yesterday, it did detect a few issues within a sample website which had not been detected prior. So in my book, this is a great plus.

The tool is under the Apache 2.0 license and is located at  .  I see that today there has been a number of changes today to correct a number of issues since it was initially released yesterday.  I expect that this tool will be much more stable within the next few days. 

Scott Fendley ISC Handler

2 comment(s)


I compiled this on my Backtrack laptop and ran it against one of the products we have with Web administration. I have to say, this is definitely a different way of displaying the details of how a client connects and what are all the possibilities said client can access from within the application, as well as, from outside.
Is it safe to run skipfish on production server...?

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