Safer Online Shopping Guide

Published: 2006-03-09. Last Updated: 2006-03-14 04:38:15 UTC
by John Bambenek (Version: 1)
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Mostly because I was interviewed a few days ago about it and then realized there should be a basic guide like this, I wrote a one-pager designed towards end-users on basic ways to shop online safely.  For people in the business, this should all be known and well-used stuff, but unfortunately the general consumer doesn't necessarily practice these steps.  While online shopping in the end doesn't impact the consumer as much as it could (the banks end up eating fraud) they are the first, last, and best line of defense against information disclosure of consumer info.  Here's the guide.

While this goes a long way to protecting the low-hanging fruit, the industry has a long way to go to build an intelligent infrastructure to prevent massive identity theft from online transactions.  Send comments to bambenek -at- gmail -dot- com.  I do accept gratuities in the form of adult beverages if you are even in scenic and beautiful Champaign, Illinois.

Note: Thanks for the feedback, fixed some typos and added some clarifications. 

If you want to put this on your website or distribute to users, feel free that's what this is for. Distribute it far and wide, translate it, do whatever you want.  Just credit me and the ISC because we like the good press, you don't need advance permission from me. :)
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