ISC Podcast Episode Number 3

Published: 2008-05-01. Last Updated: 2008-05-01 14:23:00 UTC
by Joel Esler (Version: 2)
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Hey all, we just put out Episode Number 3 for the Internet Storm Center Podcast.  Available via iTunes here, and for you non-iTunes users, here.


Update:  For those of you that already grabbed it, you might want to regrab it.  We had a reader write in and tell us that the audio was bad, (more on that later, I'll document it on my blog below), but we fixed it now.  The length of the podcast is exactly the same, and iTunes should pick up the new one because Johannes gave it a new GUID.  Sorry about the inconvenience, thanks for the feedback!  But it's all fixed now.


Joel Esler

Keywords: podcast
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