Handler Candy

Published: 2006-01-08. Last Updated: 2006-01-09 01:20:30 UTC
by Dave Brookshire (Version: 1)
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And now for something completely different...

Given the ongoing WMF saga for the past two weeks,  here's some Sunday Brain Candy(TM) to help you readers relax and get ready for next week:

Podcast Candy
  • Rocketboom [Warning: we've had one user report that the page handled the quicktime plug-in oddly, and ended up crashing his Firefox browser.]

Visual Candy
Aural Candy

This is a quick ambient piece of mine that I hope you will sit back and enjoy.  On behalf of the Handlers, thanks for all the help and support during the WMF analysis.  (Released using the Creative Commons License, so no copyright issues here!)
Have a pleasant Sunday evening, everyone!

Dave Brookshire
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