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Exploits for most recent Microsoft Patches

Published: 2006-06-14. Last Updated: 2006-06-14 11:31:15 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
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After yesterday's patchday, we start to receive a number of reports about newly released exploits for vulnerabilities announced on Tuesday.

Here a quick lists of what we have seen so far:

MS06-024: Windows Media Player.
Exploit released by penetration testing vendor to customers.

MS06-025: RRAS
Exploit released by penetration testing vendor to customers.

MS06-027: Word remote code execution
Exploit available before release of patch.

MS06-030: SMB Priviledge Escalation.
Two exploits released to the public.

MS06-032: IP Source Routing Exploit.
DoS exploits released privately (trivial exploit)

Thanks to Juha-Matti for finding the exploits!

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