Blackberry Outage

Published: 2009-12-23. Last Updated: 2009-12-23 11:57:33 UTC
by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)
5 comment(s)

UPDATED 6:00AM CST (bambenek) - It appears Blackberry's network is back up.  The outage affected only those applications that needed to go through that network. Native IP was working fine, but seemed to be all providers.

Several readers have told us that their Blackberry PDAs have not been working for the past few hours.  I can attest that mine is dead too, the last email came in a bit over three hours ago.  There is a lot of chatter on Twitter and several of the support forums on the Blackberry website confirm that the outage is widespread.  More to follow as we learn about it.

Marcus H. Sachs
Director, SANS Internet Storm Center

Keywords: blackberry
5 comment(s)


Confirmed in Seattle area. I just skyped our Notes admin.. she's been troubleshooting/rebooting things. Was happy to hear that it was 'not her fault' ;-)
Blackberry messages, pin to pin, and BES address lookups are now working wirelessly on the Telus network in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Works fine in Moscow, Russia. No issues.
thegeeknme: I hear you! I probably wasted an hour on a combination of paranoia, and injecting other troubleshooting on my crackberry before I realized the real issue at hand.
Occams Razor would have saved me that... need to keep it handy.
this was posted on a non-official 'bb-outage' list serv...


RIM Statement - December 23rd

A service interruption occurred Tuesday that affected BlackBerry
customers in the Americas. Message delivery was delayed or
intermittent during the service interruption. Phone service and SMS
services on BlackBerry smartphones were unaffected. Root cause is
currently under review, but based on preliminary analysis, it
currently appears that the issue stemmed from a flaw in two recently
released versions of BlackBerry Messenger (versions and that caused an unanticipated database issue within the
BlackBerry infrastructure. RIM has taken corrective action to restore

RIM has also provided a new version of BlackBerry Messenger (version and is encouraging anyone who downloaded or upgraded
BlackBerry Messenger since December 14th to upgrade to this latest
version which resolves the issue. RIM continues to monitor its systems
to maintain normal service levels and apologizes for any inconvenience
to customers.

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