With popularity comes responsibility

Published: 2007-11-26. Last Updated: 2007-11-26 19:44:31 UTC
by Stephen Hall (Version: 1)
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There has been a considerable growth in online collaboration tools. Wiki's are an excellent example of these, and the growth of their use has been dramatic.

However, this success can lead to logistical issues when security advisories are released. Today we have had a reader contact us with a plea to help alert users of TikiWiki that there are exploits being actively attacked.

The TikiWiki team have been working hard on fixing a number of reported vulnerabilities with their Wiki. However it is the site administrators that have been slow to update their systems.

Mose from the TikiWiki project has been very helpful in highlighting that they are working on a new administration pane within their application which will alert administrators to new releases being available. Until then, if you are using TikiWiki, please update to the latest release. For details go to : http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php

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