VMware Security Advisories -VMSA-2017-0014

Published: 2017-08-11. Last Updated: 2017-08-11 19:34:49 UTC
by Basil Alawi S.Taher (Version: 1)
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VMware has released the following new security advisory:

1. Summary

VMware NSX-V Edge updates address OSPF Protocol LSA DoS.

2. Relevant Products

  • VMware NSX-V Edge
  • 3. Problem Description

a. VMware NSX-V Edge OSPF Protocol LSA Denial of Service

VMware NSX-V implementation of the OSPF protocol doesn’t correctly handle the link-state advertisement (LSA). A rogue LSA may exploit this issue resulting in continuous sending of LSAs between two routers eventually going in loop or loss of connectivity.


Note: The issue cannot be exploited in case the OSPF protocol is not configured. At setup time, no particular protocol is configured. For more information on static and dynamic routing for NSX Edge refer to the NSX Administration Guide, section Logical Router.

VMware would like to thank Adi Sosnovich, Orna Grumberg and Gabi Nakibly for reporting this issue to us.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2017-4920 to this issue.

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