Turkey Lurkey brings state of calm to the net -- well, almost

Published: 2004-11-26. Last Updated: 2004-11-27 14:11:33 UTC
by Mike Poor (Version: 1)
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Database server is back online, for now

The Dshield database server, which runs the backend for the Internet Storm Center has been back online for over 24 hours now. We would like to thank everyone that wrote in offering their support, loyalty, and would even like to thank those that wrote in with lovely comments like "you guys should know better..." and worse.

Dave, Johannes, and Miles worked overtime troubleshooting Raid controllers, bad drives, bad slots on the motherboard and more. Thanks hombres.

Currently the reports are being processed as they are received, and the ones received during the outage are being held in a seperate queue to be processed as resources allow. Yes, we did have backups of all the data, and are currently testing a research mirror.

For now, the graphs and top 10 lists will still look a little phunky as the data gets normalized.

Reports of VBS and Javascript "footers" still abound

The isc is still receiving reports from readers about malicious vbs and javascript footers being served up with gifs (usually along with banner ads) and sites serving up the iFrame vulnerability of days past. ISC handlers are following up with the Admins of these sites trying to get malicious sites shut down, and legitimate sites cleaned up.
Thank you for supporting the Internet Storm Center, and have a great weekend,

Mike Poor < moc.snaidraugletni@ekim >
Handler on Duty
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