Reports of web forums running Invision Power Board being compromised

Published: 2006-07-01. Last Updated: 2006-07-01 23:02:03 UTC
by Toby Kohlenberg (Version: 2)
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We've had a couple reports of forums that are running on Invision Power Board being hacked and used to push adware onto visitors' systems. At this point we don't have much information, if anyone has details or can confirm or correct our current info please let us know.

One of our readers kindly sent us this:
"Back in april, one of the developers forums that I am active on and which uses Invision Power Board was compromised with an injected javascript placed within one of IPB's external javascript files... Not sure if this is the same problem that is being reported today, but back in april I could not find anything about this exploit on the net... However, you can follow  the below link where we not only discussed this exploit but the underlying code was unencrypted/unobfuscated and taken apart to show what it was trying to do...  "

Thanks Willy!


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