Live from SANSFIRE

Published: 2008-07-27. Last Updated: 2008-07-27 15:48:21 UTC
by Mark Hofman (Version: 1)
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The jetlag caught up with me this morning and I almost didn't make it to class on time, although that could have something to do with the handler get together last night.

The handlers as you know are a group of volunteers from around the world.   What you probably don't know is that many of us have actually never met face to face.  We communicate daily with each other via email and IM, we regularly discuss ideas, etc, and over time you form a picture in your mind of what you think the person looks like.  Yesterday was the first time I met a number of the other handlers face to face.  Which was great.  There will be pictures available soon (just sorting out those that can be published and those that can't).

We've had a number of presentations over the last few days.  For those of you interested a number of them will be available on the site later in the week.   Maarten did a great presentation on targeted malware.  Lorna spoke on Malware and taking proactive steps on detecting malware.  Tom and Ed did a cool cold boot presentation and I spoke on common mistakes people make in their environment. 



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