
Published: 2007-04-23. Last Updated: 2007-04-23 14:19:44 UTC
by Tom Liston (Version: 1)
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You've just got to love the human jackals that slink out of their burrows every time tragedy strikes.  Recently, we've had pond-scum snapping up some Virginia Tech related domains for less-than-honorable purposes, and now we're getting reports of someone spamming messages across Europe containing a story of a VT-esque killing spree (complete with references to the crime being committed by an "Asian national").  The message also contains a link pointing to further information.  And (of course!) waiting on the other side of that link is a chunk of nasty malware (more on this later...).

How do you people live with yourselves?  How do you introduce yourselves to others? ("Hello, I make my living exploiting human tragedy.")  Are you proud of what you do?  At the end of the day, do you have some sense of accomplishment?  Do you tell your children what you do?  Your spouse?  Your parents? There are so many horrible, tragic things in this world already... how can it be that the best response that you can come up with in the face of suffering is to try to turn someone else's loss into your gain? 

Sometimes, I'm ashamed that I'm part of this species...
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