Infostealer Malware with Double Extension

Published: 2022-12-18. Last Updated: 2022-12-18 17:28:06 UTC
by Guy Bruneau (Version: 1)
2 comment(s)

Got this file attachment this week pretending to be from HSBC Global Payments and Cash Management. The attachment payment_copy.pdf.z is a rar archive, kind of unusual with this type of file archive but when extracted, it comes out as a double extension with pdf.exe. The file is a trojan infostealer and detected by multiple scanning engines. 

Using CyberChef Forensics -> Extract Files, you can view a list of files part of the executable from the .exe, .zlib and various mp3 and png.



Saving some of the files to review and analyze them:

Indicators of Compromise

Filename: payment_copy.pdf.z -> RAR archive data
SHA256: 37da8f89540f4dae114f1f55cfd4d89be9582fbd480ac6ed6c34ac04ec8d576b
SSDEEP: 12288:jiE0YCjbwMh6ny+h+n6SN/PAQDnNNTtcvCEYLPQE5FiER3RiSbhXwS:eE3K0Mh6nyU+6SOQ77lPQaFpbeS

Filename: payment_copy.pdf.exe
IPs: 3.232.242[.]170, 52.20.78[.]240, 54.91.59[.]199, 65.108.213[.]43, 209.197.3[.]8
Domains: api.ipify[.]org,[.]com, mail.reousaomilia[.]gr, reousaomilia[.]gr, www.inkscape[.]org
SHA256: 3ccaf74f465a79ec320fdb7e44ae09551f4348efd3bf8bf7b3638cc0c1cd8492


Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
My Handler Page
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

2 comment(s)


Thanks for the article, hashes, and IoCs. It's the phishiest time of the year!

Do you have any phish subject line, sender emails, or headers you could share? Thanks again.
Thanks for the article, hashes, and IoCs. It's the phishiest time of the year!

Do you have any phish subject line, sender emails, or headers you could share? Thanks again.

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