CME was officially lauched

Published: 2005-10-05. Last Updated: 2005-10-05 17:54:11 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)
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Some days ago, our handler Donald Smith wrote about how "US-CERT, the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team, will begin issuing uniform names for computer viruses, worms and other malicious code next month, as part of a program called the Common Malware Enumeration initiative."

Today the US-CERT and Mitre released the CME, the Common Malware Enumeration, in a document called "Common Malware Enumeration Initiative Now Available" . As it is supported by a board of Anti-Virus vendors, I believe that this initiative is really great and hope that it could be adopted by all the vendors as well, so we could also have more accurante numbers about virus variants.

This initiative seeks (according the document):
  • Reduce the public's confusion in referencing threats during malware incidents
  • Enhance communication between anti-virus vendors
  • Improve communication and information sharing between anti-virus vendors and the rest of the information security community
Handler on Duty: Pedro Bueno - pbueno $ ( isc . sans. org)
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