Web based GDI Vulnerability Scanner; Yet even more fun with bots; Spybot.Worm and Gaobot; MSN Chat access troubles

Published: 2004-10-11. Last Updated: 2004-10-12 11:01:29 UTC
by Dan Goldberg (Version: 1)
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The ISC now offers a web based GDI Vulnerability Scanner at http://isc.sans.org/vulnscan/iscvuln.php

** Note that it uses an ActiveX control and only runs with Internet Explorer.
Usually I would be on a soap box at this point regarding applications that require one browser versus another but I will give it a rest today.

Yet even more fun with bots.

There has been a lot of talk about hidden bot files lately. Some of the discussion surrounds finding the hidden exes.
To find hidden bot files
Run attrib in c:\windows and c:\windows\system32 looking for files marked SHR from a command prompt.
The command could be

cd c:\winnt\system32 (or cd c:\windows\system32)

attrib | findstr SHR

Windows explorer will not display these files even with show hidden files enabled.
To remove them use attrib -r -s -h <filename> and then you can move or delete them.

Tips and techniques for tracking down Spybot.Worm or Gaobot

1) Do you have current anti-virus definition files?

2) Has your hosts file been rewritten? C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc

3) Do you have a lot of unidentified connects to the system - Start - Run - cmd, at the command prompt type netstat -an. Take a look at the devices that are listed. Do you recognize all of the ips?

4) If you go into windows task manager do you see any processes running that you don't recognize?

5) If you are comfortable with regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - software - microsoft - windows - current version. You should see run and run once and run services, (you may or may not see run services). Do you see any entries that you don't recognize or look suspicious?

Thanks to handler Deb Hale for these tips.

MSN Chat access troubles
There are some reports of trouble accessing MSN, we have very little detail at this point and do not know the cause.
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