Hancitor distributed through coronavirus-themed malspam

Published: 2020-03-12. Last Updated: 2020-03-12 02:13:47 UTC
by Brad Duncan (Version: 1)
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The criminal group behind Hancitor malware has been quiet during the past few weeks.  For the past year or so, this group has stuck with DocuSign-themed malspam to distribute Hancitor (like this example from January 2020).  However, today @mesa_matt reported a new wave of Hancitor malspam using a coronavirus theme.  Today's diary reviews two quick infection runs using information from @mesa_matt's Twitter thread on Wednesday 2020-03-11.

My thanks to everyone on Twitter who keeps an eye on Hancitor and tweets about it.

Shown above:  Screenshot of the malspam from a tweet by @mesa_matt on 2020-03-11.

Infection traffic

We're still seeing the same sequence of events from previous Hancitor runs so far this year.

  • Step 1:  Link from malspam
  • Step 2:  leads to another URL that returns a zip archive
  • Step 3:  Extract VBS from zip archive
  • Step 4:  VBS drops and executes Hancitor DLL
  • Step 5:  Hancitor-style post-infection traffic

Shown above:  Traffic from an infection filtered in Wireshark.

Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)

Traffic from an infected Windows host:

  • URL from link in the malspam (various URLs from step 1, not in my pcaps)
  • 8.208.77[.]171 port 80 - freetospeak[.]me - GET /0843_43.php
  • port 80 - api.ipify[.]org - GET /
  • 45.153.73[.]33 port 80 - thumbeks[.]com - POST /4/forum.php
  • 45.153.73[.]33 port 80 - thumbeks[.]com - POST /mlu/forum.php
  • 45.153.73[.]33 port 80 - thumbeks[.]com - POST /d2/about.php
  • 68.183.232[.]255 port 80 - shop.artaffinittee[.]com - GET /wp-includes/sodium_compat/1
  • 68.183.232[.]255 port 80 - shop.artaffinittee[.]com - GET /wp-includes/sodium_compat/2

Malware from my infected lab hosts:

SHA256 hash: 4f6d4d8f279c03f1ddfa20f95af152109b7578a2bec0a16a56ff87745585169a

  • File size: 230,431 bytes
  • File location: hxxp://freetospeak[.]me/0843_43.php
  • File name: SE-670131329809_5500.zip
  • File description: zip archive downloaded from link in malspam distributing Hancitor (1st run)

SHA256 hash: 6897a3b85046ba97fb3868dfb82338e5ed098136720a6cf73625e784fc1e1e51

  • File size: 1,130,515 bytes
  • File name: SE670131329809.vbs
  • File description: VBS file extracted from downloaded zip archive (1st run)

SHA256 hash: 8a9333204db83c2571463278cb6a6241ae5f215b2166bf4af5693d611049d5a9

  • File size: 228,383 bytes
  • File location: hxxp://freetospeak[.]me/0843_43.php
  • File name: QU-555033076467_5558.zip
  • File description: zip archive downloaded from link in malspam distributing Hancitor (2nd run)

SHA256 hash: 8da0eb3a2378d218043e9f3188e59e3158f1fd01bbcd979f05197c74c2fb7a1c

  • File size: 1,125,138 bytes
  • File name: QU555033076467.vbs
  • File description: VBS file extracted from downloaded zip archive (2bd run)

SHA256 hash: 291a4eb06358eca87fbc1f133ee162b6c532f4ec3e6f39c2646cde5de60e80f9

  • File size: 253,952 bytes
  • File location: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\adobe.txt
  • File description: Hancitor DLL dropped after executing above VBS files (both runs)

For further information:

  • Twitter thread from @mesa_matt with a screenshot of a malspam example:  link
  • Initial info on Pastebin for Hancitor malspam from @mesa_matt Twitter thread:  link
  • Any.Run sandbox analysis for URL used to kick off my infection runs:  link
  • File hashes on Pastebin for this Hancitor from paste by JAMES_INTHE_BOX:  link

Final words

Pcaps of my infection traffic along with the associated malware can be found here.


Brad Duncan
brad [at] malware-traffic-analysis.net

Keywords: hancitor
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