Kippo and dshield

Published: 2016-04-19. Last Updated: 2016-04-19 18:16:45 UTC
by Basil Alawi S.Taher (Version: 1)
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In this diary I will talk about how to configure kippo honeypot and how to submit your kippo’s log to SANS Dshield .

If you are planning to run your kippo behind router/firewall then you have to set a static IP address for your sensor:

If you are using Debian Linux , you add the following lines to :


auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static





Then you have to configure the DNS settings in the:


In my case I will use my router as a DNS server


Then we have to change the default ssh port from 22 to something else, to do so you have to modify the

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config


Then locate

# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for

port 22


To something similar to this:

# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for

port 2222


Now install kippo's dependencies:

apt-get install python-dev openssl python-openssl python-pyasn1 python-twisted

Then create a user name for kippo

useradd -d /home/kippo -s /bin/bash -m kippo -g sudo

Now we will install authbind to allow kippo to listen on port 22 (if it’s not already installed)

apt-get install authbind


Then create a new file with touch command:

touch /etc/authbind/byport/22


Now change the owner to kippo user

chown kippo /etc/authbind/byport/22


Now change the permissions of the file

chmod 755 /etc/authbind/byport/22


Now su to kippo user and download and install kippo:

svn checkout ./kippo

Now cd to kippo directory

Copy kippo.cfg.dist to kippo.cfg  and change the listening port from 2222 to 22

# Port to listen for incoming SSH connections.


# (default: 2222)

ssh_port = 2222


# Port to listen for incoming SSH connections.


# (default: 2222)

ssh_port = 22

The last step in configuring kippo is to modify to start kippo using authbind

In the file change the following

twistd -y kippo.tac -l log/kippo.log --pidfile


authbind --deep twistd -y kippo.tac -l log/kippo.log --pidfile


If you are planning to expose your honeypot to the internet ,don’t forget to configure port forwarding or dmz at your router/firewall.

Now you can start kippo by typing


All the attempts will be stored in log/kippo.log file

Finally what is the point of having your own Honeypot if you will not share your logs with the community, we have a ready script that can submit your logs to SANS ISC.

You can download the script from the following link

Then on line 33 and line 34 you have to provide your numeric userid and your authentication key, which you can obtain from you SANS ISC portal under my account section

To send you logs type the following




You can use crontab to schedule to run every day and submit your logs to dshield .

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