What do you think will be the top cybersecurity story of 2015?

Published: 2014-12-23. Last Updated: 2014-12-23 23:35:53 UTC
by John Bambenek (Version: 1)
4 comment(s)

I was asked by a reporter a few days ago what I thought the top cybersecurity story of 2015 will be.  2014 saw some big stories, Target (and the myriad of PoS breaches), Heartbleed/Shellshock/et al, Sony...

Will it be the year people finally get serious about cybersecurity or will the status quo prevail?  Leave your thoughts in the comment section below and will follow up next week.

John Bambenek
bambenek \at\ gmail /dot/ com
Bambenek Consulting

4 comment(s)


The status quo will prevail. Remember that old military acronym: SNAFU! Ho Ho Hum... Zzzzzzz.......
Pretty sure that the status quo will continue..
But my personal guess for 2015's top story will be a destructive attack on infrastructure (Power, water, etc.) in a major urban center.
[quote=comment#32825]Pretty sure that the status quo will continue..
But my personal guess for 2015's top story will be a destructive attack on infrastructure (Power, water, etc.) in a major urban center.[/quote]

I tend to agree. It will be a provocative, headline-grabbing attack on some piece of significant infrastructure. Hopefully, it will not be something like a hospital's critical care environment.

Another possibility is that the biggest story will not be the attack itself, but rather the reaction to that attack in the form of spastic calls by legislators to "make the internet safer"; i.e., impose governmental restrictions and monitoring instead of promoting better security hygiene.
2015 is the future year that "Marty McFly" and "Dr. Emmett Brown" transported back into, from 1985.

Watch out for a customized Canadian-made DMC Delorean arriving out of the ethernet into your community.

Keep your "Sports Almanac" in a safe location. :-)

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