Technical Mujahid Magazine

Published: 2006-12-01. Last Updated: 2006-12-01 19:41:45 UTC
by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)
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As Johannes pointed out in the earlier diary, an alert was issued a few hours ago concerning potential attacks aimed at banking and financial web sites.  DHS and others are in agreement that this is not a big deal and that the warning was issued as a prudent measure.  While doing some research on this issue, we found an announcement that a new magazine was available online.  Details are at the Middle East Media Research Center and the Search for International Terrorist Entities.  I don't speak or read Arabic, Farsi, or Urdo but if one of our readers can take a look at it and provide a quick translation that would be great!  We suspect that there might be a loose connection between the publication of the magazine and the alert.

For sake of completeness, here is the link to the SITE discussion about the original posting that set in motion this chain of events. 

Marcus H. Sachs
Director, SANS Internet Storm Center

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