Bluetooth 0day hacking

Published: 2006-11-02. Last Updated: 2006-11-02 15:06:23 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)
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Over the past few years with the high adoption of bluetooth by mobile devices, such as pda, phones and others, few advances were made in the security area, despite de fact that it is deserving more and more attention from security researchers.

Thierry Zoller wrote to us reporting a presentation that he and Kevin Finistere gave in a security conference in Luxembourg. In this presentation they show some new 0day related to Bluetooth and a live demo of getting a remote root shell over bluetooth on a Mac OSX 10.3.9 and 10.4 !

I recommend you to take a look on their presentation and on the live demos ! Ah, I also recommend you to pay attention in which of your devices has bluetooth turned on and which ones really needed to be on!:)

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