The cost of cleaning up
As Johannes mentions in yesterday's ISC StormCast, the city of Schwerin in Germany apparently decided to throw 170 PCs into the trash, because cleaning them from a Conficker worm infestation was estimated at around 130'000 Euros, whereas the replacement of the old PCs had already been budgeted for at 150'000 Euros. Our recent discussion aside on whether a modern malware infection can actually be "cleaned" or if wiping and reinstallation from scratch is always called for, "the cost of cleaning up" is actually relevant in either case. Schwerin's 130kEuro estimate amounts to about 1000$ per PC. The report doesn't say if this calculation includes lost productivity of the employee who has to wait for his/her computer to be returned from scrubbing, or if this is just for the cleaning/reinstall itself.
Some Google searches gave me a going rate between 79$ and 299$ for a malware clean-up on a single home user PC, and several of the providers mention explicitly that they offer a "fresh install" for a lower price than the cleanup, which is one more indication that "re-install" seems to become the norm.
My search didn't result in any decent figures for virus cleanup costs in a mid-to-large corporate environment though. Companies of a certain size are likely set up to automatically provision and install new computers, so a replacement/re-stage should be a standard process for them, and relatively quick and cost effective. If you have any figures on the actual cost of cleanup/restage in a larger organization, or know any recent studies that have analyzed this in some depth, please let us know.
May 1st 2013
1 decade ago
Well, just kick the environment in the nuts-and-bolts! :-(
The British Columbia government has an "Asset Investment Recovery" branch, where "used" PCs (without their hard-drives) are sold/auctioned to the public. Much better for the environment, and some "cost-recovery" for the province. Win-Win.
Of course, the original Microsoft "decal" is still affixed to the computer's case, so that a person can reinstall Windows onto a self-supplied hard-drive, and get a not-too-old working system. (As a matter of policy, the government "upgrades" 1/3 of their computers every year.)
P.S. Google for "EDDIE asset investment recovery" and watch what EDDIE does to the virus-infected hard-drives. :-)
May 1st 2013
1 decade ago
May 1st 2013
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May 1st 2013
1 decade ago
They simply decided to move their new system rollout plan/replacement cycle forward instead of spending the money on cleaning old systems. I'm sure their decision would have been different if Conficker had infected their new batch of systems.
For medium to large companies, the cost of this kind of security event is the downtime and lost productivity which can be millions depending on the size of the company. For small companies, the cost is not only the downtime and lost productivity, but also the cost to clean/repair the systems (or buy new ones) since they will most likely have to hire an outside security/IT firm to perform the work. A medium/large company will most likely have an IT or security staff to perform the work and the cost is already built into their IT/security budgets/salaries.
The cost really depends on the size and how the organization is structured.
May 1st 2013
1 decade ago
The only way to do it would either have a set of people driving around to 1-2 locations a day, reinstalling from DVD, or have the machines shipped to HQ for reinstall.
It would be expensive in handling, would easily cost 2-3 hours in manpower for packaging, shipping, unpack, respool, repack, ship + some shipping costs, and then downtime for the PC for 3-4 days. But $1000 sounds excessive.
If the machines are homogenous, you could ship new drives faster than new PCs, and they would be pretty fast replicate. Of course assuming you can get the supported type of drives. Maybe it was old ATA drives. Of course that would require some on-site guy who can install it. And maybe they are afraid of cross-infection.
But again, replacing the machine was in budget, guess they were planned to be retired in the summer holidays anyway, and pushing up the replacement for 2-3 months is no big deal.
May 2nd 2013
1 decade ago is even worse.
The expected costs were 130.000Eur (Cleaning) + 35.000Eur (Rebuild).
The bottom line is ~1300USD.
May 3rd 2013
1 decade ago