Freedom of Information

Published: 2010-08-14. Last Updated: 2010-08-14 18:57:26 UTC
by Tony Carothers (Version: 2)
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Information Security, specifically the encryption technology used in BlackBerry, is under fire from the Indian government.  The Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM), manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones, has faced some challenges from a few foreign governments regarding the monitoring of BlackBerry data.  A number of countries, in particular India, are applying a tremendous amount of pressure on RIM to release technology to allow their government agencies to decrypt BlackBerry data.  The reason given for the request by the Indian government is national security concerns; a valid concern in this day and age.  Citizens of some countries in the world today enjoy the right to a freedom of expression, however this is not everywhere.  India, specifically, has a law that permits its government to intercept any computer communication without a court order.  Additionally, RIM is a private company, operating within the border of a foreign country, one that is a large market share in the telecommunications arena.  In this case, India as a sovereign government has every right to define their laws and boundaries.  RIM has the right to act in the best interest of it's company and shareholders.  RIM has stated they have not released anything special; the BlackBerry enterprise solution for one is the same for all.


The questions I'm looking for comment on today from you, the reader, is "If a deal is struck where the ability to monitor communications is given over to another government or organization, what are the repercussions going to be?"  and  "What impact would this have on you, personally and professionally, in meeting your mobile technology demands?"  For example, BlackBerry is the device of choice for the US Army.  Would the US government make the same decision next time?


I welcome your thoughts,


tony d0t Carothers  _@_

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