RSA Conference Social Security Awards

Published: 2009-04-28. Last Updated: 2009-04-28 14:30:56 UTC
by Deborah Hale (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

It is confirmed and published that we here at the SANS Institute Internet Storm Center have won the best Technical Blog Award and our friends over at PaulDotCom won the Best Podcast Award.

Great job everyone. 

We here at the Internet Storm Center thank our reader's for their continued support and their continued input.  We enjoy the interaction with our readers at our SANS events and in our Inboxes.  Without you our readers and faithful followers this award would not have been possible. Also, many thanks to SANS Institute and to Stephen and Kathy for putting their trust in us and making this available.  Without the folks at SANS Institute and their support this wouldn't be possible.

To my fellow Handler's I say - what a great group to be associated with. You each deserve an award!





Keywords: Awards
1 comment(s)


Well, although I have been participating for the last three years with the SANS Top 20 Project, I just discovered this diary two days ago and I really liked. So, I'm pretty sure there many others like me who enjoy reading and commenting out on this diary. Congratulations!!!

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