Happy 22nd Birthday DShield.org!

Published: 2022-11-25. Last Updated: 2022-11-25 18:46:46 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
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Traditionally, I consider the Thanksgiving weekend of 2000 the "Birthday" of DShield. I coded the first version of DShield over that weekend and made it public soon after. My records aren't that great, but here is an early screenshot of DShield.org courtesy of archive.org. There are a couple earlier once, but they are a bit too embarassing to post here :). What is now the Internet Storm Center was known as incidents.org back then.


Early 2001 DShield.org screenshot from archive.org


There are not many things that survived 22 years in this industry. DShield, and with it the Internet Storm Center, have of course adapted and changed, but I bet there is still some 22 year old Perl script somewhere ingesting logs. But our original mission, to foster collaburation and to do so by building a global sensor network to measure the "background radiation" of attacks, is still as relevant as it was 22 years ago.

I would like to thank all of our Internet Storm Center handlers for their help in keeping this site running, the SANS Institute for its ongoing support, and our log submitters for providing us with data to ingest and disemminate.


Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D. , Dean of Research, SANS.edu

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