ISC StormCast for Monday, April 14th 2014

Reverse Heartbleed Testing

Published: 2014-04-13. Last Updated: 2014-04-13 13:01:19 UTC
by Kevin Shortt (Version: 1)
4 comment(s)

I wanted to know if the tools/software I execute regularly are vulnerable to scraping my system memory.  Now the reverse heartbleed scenario is very possible, but the likelihood seems to be much more of a non-issue.  

Seeing is still believing in my book.  So I set out to see what the interweb world was doing to test this out.  There are some very reputable services/organizations out there offering up a fresh url to the reverse heartbleed and others offering to 'test' a given url.   These are a black box.  Trust is hard to earn at times, especially when you are dealing with an exploit like this one.  I wanted to see source code, or at least pseudocode so I could craft my own.  I found a script out there called Pacemaker [1] that was written and provided by Peter Wu.  I liked it because it was transparent, simple, and it can be used exclusively under my control (the ultimate first step of developing trust).

So simple, I was able to review it for harm and function, and cut and paste it into vi.  Escape, write, quit, and I was off and running.   Basically it works like a simple webserver, very simple.  The script is executed and listens on port 4433.  You point your client software at it with a localhost url and the server script reports on STDOUT what it finds.  

I did not have any vulnerable client software readily available to give a whirl, but I did try all my curl and wget installs that I use regularly.   I also hit it with Chrome and Safari to see the error messages.

Here is what I tested with it.

wget 1.11.4:  

Connection from:
Unable to check for vulnerability: SSL 2.0 clients cannot be tested
curl 7.30.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0) libcurl/7.30.0 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5:
Connection from:
Got Alert, level=Fatal, description=40
Not vulnerable! (Heartbeats disabled or not OpenSSL)
curl 7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.5:
Connection from:
Possibly not vulnerable
Chrome 34.0.1847.116:

Connection from:
Got Alert, level=Fatal, description=47
Not vulnerable! (Heartbeats disabled or not OpenSSL)

I am interested in seeing more output from known vulnerable client software.  Feel free to give this a ride and share your results.  If I get a chance to spin out a new VM with some vulnerable OpenSSL on it today, then I will share my experiences too.



ISC Handler on Duty

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