ISC Feature of the Week: Diary/Infocon/Event Notifications

Published: 2012-04-04. Last Updated: 2012-04-04 16:51:49 UTC
by Adam Swanger (Version: 1)
0 comment(s)


We briefly noted this topic in If you are already signed up, you saw the recent infocon change to Yellow delivered directly to you! If you aren't signed up and don't want to miss the next one or any of our diaries published, read on! You can setup notifications at


Overview -

  • A typical notification will include all content as part of the subject, and a link to the relevant content in the body.
  • Selection from drop-down will include infocon change notification by default.
  • To change your subscription option, just sign up again and the new signup will replace the old one.

Subscribe -

  • To get started, fill in the form and click Subscribe to receive a validation email.
  • Notification types are defined below.
  • Your email can be any email or your cellular phone email assignment. Contact your provider if you need more information on this. If you are logged in to ISC, your email will be entered for you.
  • Approximate time of day is for daily summary email. Adjust UTC time for your timezone.

Unsubscribe -

  • Simply enter your email in the box and click Unsubscribe. If you are logged in to ISC, it will be entered for you. You will see the option to unsubscribe in every notification email.

Notification Details -

  • New version of a story is published: A handler may mark an update to a story as a new version if it contains a significant addition or correction (more then a spelling correction).
  • New Story is published: Typically, at least one story is published each day.
  • Once a day headlines: We will send you a list of new stories published the last 24 hrs.
  • Infocon Change: You will receive an email whenever the infocon changes. This happens a couple times a year. You will also receive these e-mails if you sign up for any of the other options. The "Important Story" option has been moved into this category.

Sample E-Mail

  • The Subject will always start with [ISC] followed by title such as MacOS X Java Patches.
  • an X-Header: sans-isc-diary is added.
  • The notification email will be from
  • The body will contain a link to the story or stories
  • An unsubscribe link is included in every notification


Post suggestions or comments in the section below or send us any questions or comments in the contact form on

Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB, GWAPT)
Internet Storm Center


Keywords: ISC feature
0 comment(s)
ISC StormCast for Wednesday, April 4th 2012


Diary Archives