Updated OpenDLP

Published: 2012-01-07. Last Updated: 2012-01-08 00:07:08 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
4 comment(s)

Many of our readers use Data Loss Prevention products as a mechanism to identify sensitive data-at-rest on workstations, servers, databases and similar.  Earlier today, I stumbled across an open source application known as OpenDLP.  I professionally recommend that users have a DLP product in your toolkit.  As many of the tools are commercial in nature, this product may be a excellent choice for home use (or at least when you head home for holidays and are asked to fix the family computer).

While reviewing information on the OpenDLP website, I saw that the developers released a new version of OpenDLP and a virtual machine OpenDLP that corrects a small number of glitches.

More information on this product is available at code.google.com/p/opendlp/ .  Any of our readers use this product and able to comment on how well it works, false positives and the like?


Scott Fendley ISC Handler

Keywords: OpenDLP
4 comment(s)

Google Chrome Updated

Published: 2012-01-07. Last Updated: 2012-01-07 16:56:36 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
0 comment(s)

For those who weren't watching on Thursday, Google released a new revision of Chrome.  There were a small number of high severity security issues which were corrected in version 16.0.912.75.  More information on these bugs is located at googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2012/01/stable-channel-update.html

Most Chrome users will receive the newest version automatically. However, many Enterprise customers may change the update policy to disable this feature.  We would recommend that these customers push the update after any appropriate testing.


Scott Fendley ISC Handler

Keywords: chrome
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