Microsoft Non-Security Updates

Published: 2010-06-23. Last Updated: 2010-06-23 20:39:55 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
7 comment(s)

As a number of readers have reported, Microsoft released a few non-security updates on Tuesday via Windows Update/Automatic Updates.  Most of our readers will recognize that the 4th Tuesday of the month is when Microsoft usually releases non-security updates.  From the results of a couple of computers here in my office, the updates involve the .NET Framework versions 3.x and 2.x.  As with all updates, please remember to test the update in your respective environment prior to wholesale deployment.  More information on the .NET Framework update available at KB982524.


Scott Fendley ISC Handler

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IPv6 Support in iOS 4

Published: 2010-06-23. Last Updated: 2010-06-23 13:11:58 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

On monday, Apple released iOS 4 to the masses. Among numerous security fixes, one other feature that caught my interest was the availability of IPv6. The iPhone was one of a few holdouts in the mobile phone world that did not yet support IPv6. In some ways, the iPhone and similar devices is just why people feel we may need IPv6. Features like VoIP calling (e.g. Apple's new "Facetime" protocol) can work with NAT, but may possibly work better if the device has a globally routable IP address which may not be available in IPv4.

Screenshot of iOS 4 beta versions showed a new configuration setting for IPv6, allowing users to turn IPv6 support on and off. The final version as delivered to customers on Monday, no longer has this switch. Instead, IPv6 support is always turned on. In order to be functional, it does need to be connected to an IPv6 capable network.

In my tests, I connected the iPhone's WiFi network to my home network, which supports IPv6 and uses a router that advertises itself via IPv6 router advertisements. The iPhone did pick up an IPv6 address. The IPv6 address selected by the iPhone was derived from the MAC address (EUI-64). I personally would have preferred a privacy enhanced address.

iOS 4 does not appear to support any tunneling protocols. It will only use IPv6 in a dual stack configuration. I am going to update this diary as I get to experiment more with it.

Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute


Keywords: ios iphone ipv6
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Opera Browser Update

Published: 2010-06-23. Last Updated: 2010-06-23 04:13:26 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
0 comment(s)

In other news,  Opera Software released version 10.54 of their web browser on June 21st.   One of the vulnerabilities corrected in this release involves the font handling flaw discussed in the advisory at   In addition, Opera corrected several other critical vulnerabilities which will be disclosed in the future.  If you prefer to use the Opera web browser to the other mainstream alternates, it is recommended that you apply the update in the near future.  More information is available in the release notes.

Thanks to Frank who noted the update a short while ago.

Scott Fendley --ISC Handler on Duty

Keywords: Opera web browser
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Mozilla Firefox Updates

Published: 2010-06-23. Last Updated: 2010-06-23 03:59:06 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

Earlier today,  Mozilla released the newest version of Firefox.  

Firefox 3.6.4 corrects 7 vulnerabilities which range from critical issues such as denial of service or arbitrary code execution bugs along with a few lower level issues.  The full list of vulnerabilities corrected is located in the release notes.  In addition, this release of Firefox provides much better handling of plugin crashes.  Should a plugin crash or freeze while viewing a website, Firefox now allows the plugin to crash without taking down the entire browser.  This is a very useful feature for those of us who keep many many tabs or windows open during the course of the day and get very irritated when you open that one website that has some odd flash or quicktime media that causes the plugin to abnormally end.  YAY!

Firefox 3.5.10 also was released and corrects for 9 vulnerabilities of which 6 are rated as critical. The 3.5.x tree of Firefox will continue to receive security updates for 2 more months, so it is time to prepare to jump to 3.6.x very soon.  More details on the security issues are listed in the release notes.

Thanks to all of our readers who were on top of these releases tonight and alerted us of them.

Scott Fendley -- ISC Handler on Duty

Keywords: Firefox Mozilla
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