New ISC Poll! Has your organization suffered a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack in the last year?

Published: 2008-12-03. Last Updated: 2008-12-03 19:57:33 UTC
by Andre Ludwig (Version: 2)
0 comment(s)

Well it was about time we got around to updating the ISC Poll.  I came up with the current poll after reading Lenny's great diary post on "Tips to responding to a DDoS attack".  So that being said please do participate in the poll, the results should prove to be interesting in quantifying how many organizations suffer from these sorts of attacks.

Direct link to the poll


Some other interesting reports/statistics on Denial of Service attacks can be found at the links below. (feel free to submit other links at )

Arbor networks blog post (to see the full report it may require divulging your email to a sales guy)


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VMware security advisories

Published: 2008-12-03. Last Updated: 2008-12-03 10:38:18 UTC
by Stephen Hall (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

VMWare have today released a security advisory, and updated another.

- VMSA-2008-0019 (new advisory)

This impacts :

  • VMware Workstation 6.0.5 and earlier
  • VMware Workstation 5.5.8 and earlier
  • VMware Player 2.0.5 and earlier
  • VMware Player 1.0.8 and earlier
  • VMware Server 1.0.9 and earlier
  • VMware ESX(i) 3.5 and 3.0.2

- VMSA-2008-0017.2 (updated advisory)

VMWare have added ESX 3.5 patch information after release of patches on 2nd Decemeber 2008.

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Sun Java 6.0 Update 11 is now available

Published: 2008-12-03. Last Updated: 2008-12-03 07:23:16 UTC
by Stephen Hall (Version: 1)
0 comment(s)

Our carbon based RSS news reader known as Roseman has alerted us to the availability of a new Java release. Sun Java 6.0 Update 11 is now available!

The release notes are available for you enjoyment, and Sun describe the release as "This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities."

Roseman also suggests that you check the settings in the "Java Control Panel" just in case the settings you have chosen have been reset by the release.

Thanks to the other readers who submitted the news of the update too!

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