Snort bypass vulnerability

Published: 2006-06-01. Last Updated: 2006-06-01 16:28:10 UTC
by Jason Lam (Version: 2)
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Update: (2006-06-01 16:10 UTC) Sourcefiree/ has issued their statement on the issue (patches coming Monday, 5 June):

Demarc just released a vulnerability alert on Snort. The vulnerability leads to evasion of URI content rules. When a carriage return is added to the end of a URL (before HTTP protocol declaration), Snort detection can be evaded. According to the alert, this vulnerability will affect thousands of detection rules in the standard rule base. No need to panic at the moment though, as the folks at Sourcefire have fixed this in version 2.6.0 and we haven't seen this kind of traffic in the wild yet. Thanks to Blake Hartstein for reporting this to us.  Also, thanks to our friends at Sourcefire for info on the extent of the problem and about the upcoming patch.

Please refer to the vulnerability alert for more details,

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More on Symantec vulnerabilities

Published: 2006-06-01. Last Updated: 2006-06-01 21:24:36 UTC
by Bojan Zdrnja (Version: 3)
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Looks like the lastest Symantec/Norton AV definitions is causing some problems between Scriptlogic product and the AV. According some users that wrote to us, Symantec Av is detecting it as

"Problem: Symantec/Norton Anti-virus definitions update released May 31st may cause your Desktop Authority or ScriptLogic Enterprise system to fail.

Solution: Refer to this KB Article with the resolution."

HOD: Pedro Bueno

The latest patches from Symantec are causing quite a bit of confusion. To reiterate again what Kevin wrote in his diary (

*ALL* versions of 10.0.x and 10.1.x of Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition and 3.0.x and 3.1.x of Symantec Client Security seem to be vulnerable.
Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition version 8.x and 9.x seem to be ok.

Symantec released 4 patches for each product (

Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition -> (there's a typo here on their web, it's not version 3) -> -> ->

Symantec Client Security -> -> -> ->

Now, if you are running *ANY* other version that is affected, you will have to first upgrade to one of the versions that have the patch out and then install the patch. I hope this will clear the confusion.

There seem to be some mitigations to the problem though. As eEye stated, this is a remotely exploitable vulnerability. Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition, when in managed mode, will have the service Rtvscan.exe listening on TCP port 2967. In case that your host based firewall is configured to block access to this port (effectively meaning that you can't manage the client from the centralized server, at least not until the client connects to it) you should be ok.
On our test machine, the unmanaged installation of Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition didn't have any listeners so it looks like it's safe, at least from a remote exploit over the network (patch in any case!).

If we get more information we'll update the diary. Thanks to Gary for help with this.


Symantec finally posted a nice web page with details what you have to do regarding the version you're running at

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Multiple security vulnerabilities in Secure Elements Class 5 AVR (EVM)

Published: 2006-05-31. Last Updated: 2006-05-31 00:05:20 UTC
by Bojan Zdrnja (Version: 1)
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US-CERT published 19 (!!!) advisories about vulnerabilities in Secure Element's Class 5 AVR (Automated Vulnerability Remediation). The product is also known as C5 EVM (Enterprise Vulnerability Management). It allows auditing, evaluation and compliance with various policies. You can find more information about the product at

There are too many vulnerabilities to list them here, but they look very bad ? starting from hard-coded user IDs and passwords, over same encryption settings for every message session to typical input validation vulnerabilities.

You can find the complete list at US-CERT's web site;

The vulnerability is reportedly patched in the latest version of the product, C5 EVM 2.8.1.

Thanks to Juha-Matti for reporting this.
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